If you are paying with a credit card, you can register securely via the web, or you can FAX, email or print the form (and send via standard mail).
How to email the form when paying with a credit card:
You can copy the entire form to the clipboard by clicking the “Copy for Email” button or selecting “Copy for Email” from the “File” menu. Once the form is on the clipboard you can go to your email program and send it to one of the email addresses listed on the form.
How to FAX the form when paying with a credit card:
Just print the form and FAX it to the number listed on the form.
How to pay with Check, Money Order or Cash (U.S. funds please):
Print the form and send with payment to the address listed on the form. If sending cash, please make sure the cash is well hidden by wrapping it in paper.
How to pay with an Invoice:
Print the invoice, approve the invoice and submit it to your Purchasing Department for payment. Send a copy of the invoice along with payment.
How to pay with a Purchase Order:
Print the Purchase Order form sign it and send it. An invoice will be sent requesting payment.